Low Radio Carbon food may reduce risk of cancer and other Birth defects

Posted on January 20, 2009 by


Radiocarb Genetics, Inc., based in Ohio, USA, has successfully grown the a low radio-carbon food. Lower carbon-14 content is believed by some to increase human longevity.

Radiocarb Genetics, Inc. managed to grow its unique low radiocarbon soybeans in a custom greenhouse. Although the crop was provided with this special CO2 for less than half of the growing season, the final soybeans analyzed had 63-66% less radiocarbon than normal.

An interesting and unusual artifact from this work is that the first two soybeans analyzed, although harvested on Oct. 26 of this year, were about 7800 to 8500 years old as determined by the radiocarbon dating method.

All ordinary food, whether from plants, livestock, or fish, even if organic, is contaminated with trace levels of radiocarbon that is naturally produced in the atmosphere from cosmic rays. This well-known fact is the basis of the radiocarbon dating method used to date ancient artifacts. Less well-appreciated is that this radiocarbon becomes incorporated into the bodies of growing children where it causes genetic damage. Radiocarbon is permanently taken up into DNA of brain cells during pregnancy, infancy, and early childhood and remains there for life.

Posted in: Industry News